Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy your work? I don’t see an online shopping feature?
Sam’s ceramic wares are currently not for sale online, he is working steadily to eventually have an online shopping presence. In the meantime, you can contact Sam with any orders or questions. You can also buy the work in person at a number of locations.
I have some wares of yours and want to put them in the dishwasher. Is that safe?
All of Sam’s wares are designed to go in the dishwasher, either top or bottom rack. They can also go in the microwave, and in the oven. Please follow the directions found on the back of the business card, or contact Sam for a copy of the Use and Care Instructions.
I placed an order 4 weeks ago and have yet to receive my items?
The process of making pottery is a time consuming one. Normal lead times for orders is minimum 6 weeks.
I have a gallery and would like to carry your work. Do you wholesale?
Sam does wholesale his work to select fine craft galleries. Please contact Sam for information regarding wholesale ordering. Consigning options are also available.
I love your work but wish it were in a different color. Do you make custom colors?
Sam offers his wares in 6 standard colors currently. If you desire a color other than the standard 6, 90% of the time it is unrealistic and not cost effective to match the color you desire. Please contact Sam for specific inquiries.
Do you make all of this work?
Yep, all of the wares are made one at a time by Sam himself. He receives some help with different studio related tasks, but prides himself on providing truly authentic & handmade items.
Do you offer classes?
At this time there is no opportunity for classes or open studio access. There are a number of local studios that offer community classes. Please inquire for more info.
What is this made of? How is this made?
All of Sam’s wares are made of Stoneware or Porcelain clay, commonly referred to as ceramics. There are a number of processes which occur over a period of weeks, but there are basically 4 main steps. The forming or shaping phase is where Sam manipulates the soft clay into the shape Sam desires. Next the drying phase allows the items to expel all moisture so that they can be bisque fired to 1830 deg F. Once cool, the finishing occurs; this is where glaze is applied, providing a food safe and pretty colored surface. The last phase is the glaze firing which reaches cone 12 or roughly 2450 deg F.
Do you ship your wares?
Yes, shipping is possible to anywhere in the nation!
Are your wares guaranteed?
While there is no official guarantee, Sam believes in standing behind the products he makes. If something you bought broke, not because of improper care or use, Sam will replace it free of charge. If a replacement is not desired Sam will be more than happy to provide a refund. Please contact Sam for any questions or complaints.
Do you offer custom work?
Yes custom work is possible. Because of the number of variables, pricing can vary greatly so please inquire for more information.